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门绍宗先生,军旅画家,亦名明山,1943年生于北京。Mr. Shaozong Men, artist pseudonym Mingshan,was born in Beijing in 1943. He served as a military artist.中国美术家协会、大陆画会、四川美术家协会、成都美术家协会会员。Mr. Men is a member of Chinese Artists Association,China Mainland Painters Association, Sichuan Artists Association,and Chengdu Artists Association.门绍宗先生自幼酷爱绘画艺术,参加北京少年宫小美协活动,在马跃华恩师启蒙下,曾获得齐白石、陈半丁、于非庵、李可染、王雪涛、王铸九、李苦禅、黄胄等大师的亲授。1964年毕业于中央美术学院附属美术学校,后毕业于中央美术学院徐悲鸿画室。先生在艺术造诣修养上下功夫,通诗书画印、兼收并蓄,读千卷书行万里路,用艺术眼光观察大千世界,使艺术源于生活高于生活,终于成为有思想内涵的艺术大师。Since his youth Mr. Shaozong Men loved drawing and joined the Youth’s Art Association of Children’s Palace in Beijing. Under the tutelage of Mr. MA Yaohua,Mr. Men was taught by famous artists such as QI Baishi,CHEN Banding, YU Fei’an, LI Keran, Wang Xuetao,Wang Zhujiu,Li Guchan, Huangzhou. Mr. Men finished study at the art school affiliated to China’s Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1964 and then graduated from Master XU Beihong’s Studio Academy. He worked to further his understanding of Art,developing his specialties in calligraphy and painting,absorbing experiences and teachings from others,engaging in his interest in reading,using the lenses of his life experiences and artist’s eyes to see the world and to find and develop art in daily life,and therefore gradually became a thoughtful artist.门绍宗先生精通国画与油画等多种造型艺术技法。80年代后作品主攻个性意境画题,在五十年的书画创作生涯中集大成,内师古法、外师造化,挥毫中求气韵、重意境,大器晚成、中得心源。先生的中国画里运用泼墨与小写相结合,继承传统、深入生活、不断创新探索,在独特的当代艺术语言中,表现出抒情、唯美、开拓、天籁的空间,终于独创出“泼写空间”的当代绘画手法。他现在主要就两种中国画制作手法,一:是新的当代手法:泼写空间(泼墨与写意结合:构图是饱满与留空简约,色彩是浓厚与丰富)二是:传统中国画大小写意手法。门绍宗先生对自己的风格不拘一格,他的艺术观点是艺海无涯,不断最求创新,中国绘画艺术才可以发展,才可以有艺术生命力。Mr. Men’s main specialty is at Chinese painting,oil painting and other painting disciplines. He focused on these individual fields after the 1980s. During his fifty years of experience in painting and calligraphy,Mr. Men successfully utilized traditional painting skills yet constantly explored and innovated. Mr. Men combined the usage of broad strokes and fine strokes in his painting. He utilized modern artistic language to expresses emotions and feeling and pursued perfection by inheriting tradition,learning from daily life, and ever innovating and creating. His unique artistic language showed emotion and aesthetic style,which eventually formed his unique artistic style. His main painting methods include modern broad strokes and fine strokes as well as traditional broad strokes and fine strokes. Mr. Men is consistently developing his ways of painting. In his point of view,the world of art has no boundaries. He feels this is the way for Chinese painting to stay relevant,develop and thrive.门绍宗先生作品曾入列国内外各级画展并获奖,被文博单位中外收藏家收藏。先生的作品受到业内人士及学生的赞扬,曾担任北京与成都师范院校美术系教授和经贸大学美术客座讲师,组织各种主题绘画协会,举办各种美术培训与中国画研究会,授美国ELGIN埃尔金学院 ELGIN CMMUNITY COLLEGE的邀请讲学与中美艺术交流。现桃李满天下,很多学生在美术事业上取得成就。先生在中国绘画艺术传承上起到了重要作用。Mr. Men’s art works have been exhibited in China and internationally and won awards. A variety of his art works are frequently published and collected by Chinese and foreigner collectors. His work received many accolades from both artists and art connoisseurs. Mr. Men served as a professor in Beijing and Chengdu Normal University Art College and as a visiting lecturer of Fine Arts in the Economics University. He has organized many art associations,held a variety of art courses and workshops on the art of Chinese painting. He has been invited to Elgin Community College in the U.S. for the purpose culture exchange. He has a lot of students with achievements in their own art careers,and played an important role in the Chinese art painting tradition.
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